I have lots of friends (and relatives, too) who are pregnant, nursing, or have babies. So specifically for the cold and germ spreading season, here's what I have to say.... Homeopathics are the safest. Many natural grocery stores and pharmacies carry homeopathics. But, most of the time, they are going to help with specific symptoms. Cold snap is a highly recommended homeopathic cold formula made of several different remedies. There are also many individual remedies available. Get something that you can have on hand and begin taking at the FIRST SIGN. The first sign is the first cough, sneeze, or dripping nose. Do not wait until the next day when you sneeze 5 times or have a very sore throat.
Zinc and vitamin C are great in helping your body defenses. Even as a pregnant or nursing mom you can take these. (See one note below on this) I prefer Emergen-C fizzing drink packets and Zi-cam in the nasal spray. You can also find children's versions or look at the dosage. I believe the children's packet of Emergen-C is half what's in the adult packet. Also, I use the nasal spray by putting it on a cotton swab and rubbing it inside the nasal passage. That keeps the bottle clean for everyone in the family to use. Above all, get rid of the Halloween candy as fast as you can (trash most of it) because the sugar feeds those viruses and helps them fight against you!
The note: If you are taking high dose of vitamin C during pregnancy, you will need to cut back toward the end of your pregnancy. You can also cut back if you are eating lots of C fruits. When I was pregnant, my midwife told me that we wouldn't want the baby to be born used to such high doses, so I needed to cut back before he was born. I was eating LOTS of clementines and tangerines! We did a urine test at every appointment so it showed up when I had taken lots of vitamin C. You are probably doing the same.
Be well!