Lots of people ask me how to boost their own or their child's immune system. People are realizing that helping the body strengthen it's own immune system is preferred over fighting disease with antibiotics and otc medicines. There are many different ways to prepare your body to fight disease. Very briefly, let's discuss a few.
The first is a healthy diet. If the body is stressing to deal with processed foods and sugars, it really doesn't have the energy to fight invaders. Drink plenty of water and take a high quality, whole food based vitamin because the way our food is grown and shipped, you cannot get all the nutrients you need from food alone. But make sure it is a supplement to a healthy diet and not a replacement for one. Also be sure to get some sunshine because your body needs vitamin D.
Herbal supplements are another way to boost the immune system. Elderberry is a nice one for winter. It comes in various forms and tastes good. If you have an acupuncturist, you might ask about Chinese medicine. I have found great success with Chinese medicine, but don't know enough about them to make recommendations. Another very common immune boosting herb is Echinacea. It should only be taken for short periods (a week) at a time, not all winter long. Finally, vitamin C is great for the body. Emergen-C makes a fizzy drink for adults and children with Vitamin C and other vitamins and minerals. If your daily vitamin does not have a high does of vitamin C, consider adding a packet of "fizzy juice" to your daily routine. But the immune boosting formula (I think it's honey lemon flavor) doesn't taste as good to me as raspberry, strawberry and orange flavors. Be well!